Transfer your treasured memories to DVD, Blu Ray Disc or computer file. We provide a quick reliable transfer service for any video tape format for VHS, VHS-C, Video2000, Betamax, Betacam, U-Matic (high and low band), DV, MiniDV, microDV, 8mm, Hi 8, Digital 8, Digibeta, Digital S, Helical Scan Tapes, Ruvi and all disc and hard drive based formats. We also convert US tapes (or any international formats) to UK PAL.
Check out our customer comments. They are totally independent from a third party review company. We keep you advised of progress, we have never lost any films and we take your conversion very seriously. Quality is guaranteed!
We Try Harder
All our transfers are made on professional equipment which can give a significant improvement over domestic VCR's. Your video is important to us, we will not damage it. We clean tapes and repair if required. We sharpen and colour balance if needed and edit out any unwanted TV. Time base correction (TBC) is used to stabilise video wobble due to timing jitter.
We have been working hard to produce a really great cloud hosting package. Your films can be viewed and downloaded anywhere online, they are password protected, easy to view, can be cast to a smart TV, they won't get lost and they are great fun. For more details please view our cloud help video here:
Your films will be edited to remove any blank or unwanted bits. If you would like additional editing, we have full support for this. Let us do it for you (free for a few simple cuts or re titling) or do it yourself with our help. It's great fun to do. For more details please email or call us.